
Monday, 24 August 2015

Take 3 for the environment

One of the organisations represented at last week’s Oceans of Plastic event at Taronga Zoo was Take 3:

The ‘Take 3’ message is simple: take 3 pieces of rubbish with you when you leave the beach, waterway or… anywhere and you have made a difference.

Marine debris, particularly plastic, has a disastrous impact in our oceans on marine life and, ultimately, us. We can greatly reduce the amount of marine debris in our oceans by preventing it from getting there in the first place! We encourage people to Refuse disposable plastic, Reduce, Re-Use, Recycle and Respond by picking up rubbish.

We want to educate the world about this complex problem by inspiring simple actions.

It really is a simple idea that can make a big difference: visit the Take 3 website to find out more. There’s also a bunch of videos at the site if you’re not sure why plastic is such a big deal.

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