
Saturday, 14 December 2013

My top 3 free WiFi spots in Sydney

Two months ago, we stepped off the plane having moved half-way round the world from the UK to Sydney. These days, when you first move to a city - or visit on holiday for that matter - one of the first things on the To Do list is to find a decent source of free WiFi, at least until more permanent internet solutions are in place. Australia is not quite a far down the free WiFi path as the UK, where every other bar or cafe will offer it, but there are still some good spots to be found. Here are my Top 3 Free WiFi spots in Sydney so far: Bondi Pavilion

3. Bondi Pavilion (above). On our first day in Sydney, in an anti-jetlag act, we walked the coastal path from Coogee to Bondi. We were rewarded at the other end by a smoothie and free WiFi at Bondi Pavilion. It was time-restricted and you had to watch an advert first, plus it seemed a little flaky, but with a beach view it still comes in at Number 3.

2. The Australian Museum (right). Museums are often a good spot for free WiFi, especially when there is a decent cafe. On a trip to Wellington last year, I would often visit Te Papa to avail of the facilities. Unlike Te Papa, the Australian Museum is not free (though still worth a visit) but the cafe is. The coffee is good (no surprise), the WiFi is free and you can admire an impressive whale skeleton at the same time.

1. The Art Gallery of New South Wales (below). Edging out the Australian Museum at Number 1 is the Art Gallery of New South Wales. This one is free and is particularly good on a Wednesday night for Art After Hours. In addition to perusing the art - including possibly my favourite sculpture - you can enjoy a nice glass of wine or two and some live music whilst you surf the web.

Art Gallery of NSW


  1. Great information..Thanks for sharing it with us.
    Hopefully in my next trip to Sydney it will help me..
    I am sharing a trip itinerary link,please can you tell me do this spots in itinerary have free WiFi ?
    Sydney Trip Itinerary

    1. I can't help you there, sorry. There are more complete WiFi listings, such as at the Syndey Moving Guide:


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