
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

It's not hard to use an apostrophe in its rightful place

I've just done it. Twice, if you include when not to use one. Which, I do. Just because iPhones seem to think that "its" isn't a word, doesn't mean that it isn't.

It's. It is.

Its. Belonging to it.



  1. We had an office discussion of the use of a hyphen. The term 'super-mad'had been morphed into 'mad-skillz'.

    Super-mad describes a degree of madness which is super and excludes the proceeding object from ambiguity.

    mad-skill[s] user would work but it's ugly.

  2. I would interpret "mad skills" as skills that were mad, whereas "mad-skills" would be skills in being mad...

    "He has mad computer skills" - he is good with computers.

    "He has computer mad-skills" - he has just spend half an hour in a skype conversation with himself.


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