
Sunday, 29 April 2012

SeqSuite: another blog is born

Although this is my blog, I feel a bit funny about explicitly blogging about work stuff in a blatant "look at what I've done, please read/use/cite it!" fashion. I have therefore created a new blog explicitly for that side of things. Actually, it has existed for a while but not really had much content until today's post about SLiMMaker (my second solo excursion into python CGI). The blog is currently titled SeqSuite: open-source bioinformatics in Python and the central theme is the application and development of the various tools that I have cobbled together over the years, although I hope to diversify into other related stuff should time allow.

The main focus is actually SLiMSuite, which is the collection of short linear motif (SLiM) tools that I have been involved in developing. (The term "SLiM" will probably be my longest lasting contribution to science. It's weird seeing it start to appear in textbooks! (Although I must point out that I did not invent the concept. I'll save SLiMs for another post, I think.)) SLiMSuite is both the main pillar of my research but also, I think, the more original and unique of my software. (Some of the other stuff I have made because I have been too lazy to hunt down something that does what I want.)

Despite the ascendancy of SLiMSuite, I've stuck with "SeqSuite" as the name, though, as (a) other "Slim Suites" seem to exist and I want to head off any legal objections in advance, and (b) I have some other tools that are nothing to do with SLiMs and, along with SLiMSuite, form the larger SeqSuite package.

I'm still not entirely sure how the two blogs will work - finding the time to write one blog is hard enough - but I think I will continue to post the more "human" aspect of work-related matters here, and the more technical aspects on the SeqSuite blog. (Hopefully, I can convince some of my collaborators to contribute there too.) I think, like a lot of academics, I realise the importance of trying to communicate what we do, but haven't quite worked out yet the best way to go about it.

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