
Friday, 2 September 2011

The Redbreast: don't read the blurb

I have just finished reading "The Redbreast" by Jo Nesbo. I liked it, although I don't think it's as good as the Millennium series. (I suspect Jo Nesbo would not be "the next Stieg Larsson" were it not for the Scandinavian connection.)

It's still worth a read, though, and I will check out another one of the Harry Hole series, although I do wish he hadn't called his lead character "Harry Hole". (Why, Jo? Why would you do this.)

I feel I should share a warning about the book, though: don't read the blurb! I made the mistake of reading the back of the book when I was around half way in, figuring that I was safe from spoilers by then. Wrong! I won't repeat the spoiler here but suffice it to say that the blurb makes a very clear reference to something that happens about 320 pages into the book, somewhat killing the suspense. It probably would have been unexpected and shocking. It wasn't. Thanks, blurb.

While I was googling for the cover image, I also discovered that this wasn't the first Harry Hole book, as I had believed, but the third. Its just the first of the ones translated into English, for some reason. So there you go. The Harry Hole series: the mysteries aren't just in the books.

Location:Southampton, UK

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